This will discuss an overview of the two cancers, two very different experiences, two different treatments and the mind/body interaction for a flourishing life. This will be the primary area where the lifestyle change initiated by reading the book RADIACL REMISSION is covered. Since I originally read this book, I have come to see that these same lifestyle factors can be applied to so many health issues in life beyond cancer, both physical and mental. The fear of dying an ugly, painful death if my prostate cancer had migrated to the bone was a “blessing”/gift that truly helped me make lifestyle changes.

Briefly, there were no “symptoms” I detected with the prostate cancer but there was a high level of fear that took me through all five “steps” of grief including the physical part of letting out the anger I could productively do with dancing hard, complete with excited verbal outbursts. On the other hand, the years of being so low, physically and mentally, without reason, of what I call “living-death” lymphoma resulted in being ecstatic when I was told it was only non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. What I did not realize at that time was I had skipped some of the grieving process, including not getting angry. So mid December, 2023, after the November, 2023, scan detecting no cancer, I would occasionally, for no apparent reason, get teary-eyed. Upon trying to understand, I see it as a mild form of PTSD as things that set it off can be just being grateful to have what I do have in my positive spirit. Grateful that I have gotten to this side of so many bumps in life like two cancers, loosing part of my left foot to a lawnmower, finding a wonderful partner in life [we have wonderful imperfections that we share with each other] and more. For moore see BACKSTORY and BUMPS Summary and TIMELINE.

Also see the chapters on prostate radiation treatment and lymphoma chemo treatment for more details on the medical side of the treatments and Celebrate Crushing Cancer contra dance, which was held November 17, 2023, at Greenwood, VA..

This is a work in progress will be updated.